Conserving, restoring and protecting trout and their coldwater streams and rivers
Upper Peninsula Fly Fishing Film Festival
Saturday 05 April 2025
@ the NMU Northern Center
4:30-6:00 PM: Cabin Fever Happy Hour
6:30 PM: Films Start
Click on the Poster Below to Navigate to the NMU Ticketing Page to purchase your tickets.
The chapter is excited to branch out this year and showcase more local films for this fundraising event. We took your feedback from last year and are bringing more social opportunity to this year’s film festival. This is our main fundraiser for the year – please come join us and support the chapter’s conservation and education efforts! We are moving the event to the NMU Northern Center this year to allow for more socializing during the event. We are excited to once again have Adam Carpenter as our event M.C. We will have some cool event swag and raffle prizes to help us get ready for inland trout opener. More event details and information will be added soon.
Come chat with some of our great UP guides and fly shop owners during the Cabin Fever Happy Hour. Try out fly casting, try out the chapter beer from Barrel and Beam and finalize plans for trout opener with friends and fellow fishers.
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Countdown to the start of 2025 inland Michigan Trout Season!
Trout Unlimited is America’s leading coldwater conservation organization. Our hope is that clear, cold, fishable water exists for generations to come, but we can’t do it without the support of committed anglers and conservationists like you .
Fred Waara Trout Unlimited needs volunteers to further its mission. Get involved in our stream restoration or youth education programs.
Help support Fred Waara Trout Unlimited’s conservation and educational efforts. See our donation page for details on how you can help.