The Fred Waara Chapter of Trout Unlimited is under the Michigan Council of Trout Unlimited and is part of the national Trout Unlimited organization with over 300,000 members. Our chapter has over 350 members within Michigan’s Upper Peninsula—an area of approximately 17,000 square miles. The Upper Peninsula has several thousand miles of coldwater streams that drain into Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron. The heavily forested area covers a rugged topography reflecting a complex hard rock geology in the west and a sedimentary geology in the east. It is a sparsely populated region with little agriculture resulting in wilderness conditions in much of the area. The resources of the Upper Peninsula have been relentlessly exploited for centuries starting with the fur trade, then mining and logging and over harvesting of native trout. These natural resources exploitation have had negative effects on the streams and the near extinction of coaster brook trout and the total loss of grayling.
Fred Waara TU fulfills its mission through advocacy and education regarding impacts to aquatic ecosystems and by sponsoring and engaging volunteers in hands-on projects to rehabilitate coldwater systems. Since its founding in the 1980s, Fred Waara TU has been actively involved in protecting and restoring the coldwater fisheries of the Upper Peninsula. Our members have donated thousands of volunteer hours to the restoration and protection of coldwater fisheries; engaged multiple classrooms and children in our Salmon in the Classroom program; and supported the annual Michigan Council of Trout Unlimited Youth Conservation and Fly-Fishing Camp.
Our main fundraising effort is our hosting of the Upper Peninsula Fly Fishing FIlm Festival (UPF4). UPF4 is designed to showcase coldwater conservation and fishing films from across the Upper Midwest, Great Lakes region, and the Upper Peninsula. The money we raise from UPF4 supports our conservation and education efforts in the Upper Peninsula.
Where and When We Meet
Chapter meetings are typically scheduled at 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month (no meetings during July and August). Board business meetings and Fishing After Hours/Trout on Tap meetings are held on alternating months. FAH/Trout on Tap meetings feature speakers or presentations on topics ranging from issues confronting the trout waters here in the Upper Peninsula, to local fishing opportunities and techniques. The following is our general meeting schedule, but this can change depending on speaker availability and fishing conditions so please check the upcoming events section of the main splash page for meeting details.
- Fishing After Hours Programs: February, April, June, and November
- Board Business Meetings: March (Annual meeting), , June, September, October, and December
Board meetings are held via Zoom and FAH/Trout on Tap are held at various locations around the Marquette area. Click here to navigate to the TU Event Center Website where we post our sign up and information notices for FAH/Trout on Tap meetings.
We generally send out 4 quarterly newsletters and a few special announcements every year. Please click here to navigate to our main splash page where you can sign up for our chapter email announcements and meeting information.
Check our schedule of upcoming events and join us at a meeting or conservation event. Guests are welcome, so bring a friend.