The Fred Waara Chapter needs volunteers to continue its mission.
The Fred Waara Chapter of Trout Unlimited (FWCTU) is registered as a not-for-profit organization and has all of the functions you would expect of a small business. We are always looking for good people who are willing to help out. The following list of our committees provides an overview of our operational activities. Contact Jim Jenkin, our current chapter president, or any of our current chapter officers or board members for more information. Let us know where you may want to help out:
Conservation: Identify opportunities for FWCTU to contribute to coldwater conservation, prioritze and manage FWCTU grants to conservation projects; manage FWCTU involvement in conservation work including chapter work days, actively advocate for the cold water environment.
Education: Fly fishing training days, Salmon in the Classroom, Youth Camp, adult fly tying sessions, casting sessions, etc.
Finance & Accounting: Financial Management including budgeting, financial reporting, treasury management, regulatory compliance, etc.
Fundraising and Grants: Fundraising campaigns such as the fly fishing film festival in April, online fundraising such as auctions, and raffles. Federal, state, and local business grants fund a majority of our chapter conservation work. Pursuing and writing grants is a critical component of our strategic plan.
Communications & Publicity: FWCTU newsletters, announcements, publicity news releases, and support of chapter outreach.
Information Technology: Management of technology platforms and content including: FWCTU website, Constant Contact email platform (relationship management system), and Facebook page.
Meetings & Events: Board meeting room arrangements, “Fishing After Hours” program speakers, brat cookouts, fishing outings, etc.
Membership: New membership recruitment, membership engagement activities and events, membership database management.
Diversity: Promote the development of FWCTU member diversity.
Leadership Development: Chapter leadership development and succession planning consisting of nomination of FWCTU officers and board members and recruitment and positioning of future chapter leaders.