Upper Peninsula Fly Fishing Film Festival Submission Guidelines and Information
Thank you for showing interest in the support of the first Upper Peninsula Fly Fishing Film Festival, held by the Fred Waara chapter of Trout Unlimited.
As you consider participating and reading these guidelines, please understand that our desire is to showcase fly fishing opportunities that are specific to our region. If your film submission does not meet EVERY requirement here, there may be some wiggle room in order to accept and show your film.
The entire film festival will be a 90-minute run time.
Should your film be accepted, you will be invited to the event, recognized as one of the creators, and given a booth space should you represent a service in the industry. (Ie fly shop, guide service, conservation group)
Film Requirements:
All films should run less than 15 minutes.
Preference to fly fishing for cold water species (trout/salmon). However, all films will be considered (warm water species and spin fishing are allowed).
This is a subject that we have questioned among ourselves in the event planning, and while TU favors all forms of fishing, most of its members have a piqued interest in fly fishing, and all other “film tour” events have focused on fly fishing. But we are still open to other techniques and look forward to seeing where this first festival goes.
Geographic locations of films should be limited to the greater Midwest area and the Great Lakes region. Films should be appropriate for all audiences. Extra consideration is given to films that include conservation efforts.
Submissions and deadline:
The deadline for film submissions will be March 5.
Please send an unlisted YouTube link or a Google Drive link that can be used to preview the film to Seth Waters at [email protected]. Films do not have to be complete at the time of submission however we must see the main plot and will need to have the completed project by March 24.